There is not much structure in the program. The indoor and outdoor areas are fluid and the children can choose to engage in any activity they choose and for the duration they want. They do have the routine of circle time in the beginning and at the end, snack time, and the parent discussion time. In the parent discussion time, half the parents go to a designated area with the teacher and have discussions on parenting. While the other half remain with the children.
The aide brings out the bubbles and the play dough at the discussion time. My Picassos loved painting at the easel; they chose to paint together :) They rang their bells, touched their toes, marched, shook their tushes, and listened to the story at circle time. They played with the water toys, sand toys, slides, ride-on toys outdoors; and blocks, art project, sorting games, and many other things set out on the indoors. They finished most of the snacks served to them, and they poured water for themselves.
They absolutely loved the sinks at their level and spent a considerable amount of time grooming themselves at the sink ;) My Medha decided it was so much fun to run her hands through the bubbles solution and she kept scrubbing her hands for 5-10 minutes, one of the parents observing commented that she will grow up to be a surgeon with that diligent scrubbing! In the end they gave a hug to the teacher and the aide and told them thank you (prompted by me!) Medha is already cozying up to the aide as she had done in gym class last year. And Pavan is a charmer once he is comfortable in a situation.
So my little babies are well on their way to independence! I knew they will adjust well but was a bit melancholic at the prospect of them going to school already. But once I observed them, I knew I can't and shouldn't hold them back! And for our family, having this specific set up works out well. Once they get into the 2x/week program, they will get to be by themselves on one of the days!

....and NOW.