Progress report on how the Saggurti Twins are coming along...
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Blog Archive
- They're standing up!!
- Medha in another of her pensive thinking moments t...
- Hey, why does Medha get the spotlight?
- Pavan demanding that I take his picture too.
- The Pavan-meister decided to go a-walking over the...
- Pavan happy about his walking accomplishment.
- Medha and Pavan with their Syam-taatagaru. They li...
- Pavan trying to change his Mom's hairdo.
- Medha and Pavan enjoying the new duckies that Padm...
- Happy New Year 2005!
- Pavan enjoying his time with Ammaji and Peda-Taata...
- What do you do when it's 20F and snowing outside? ...
- The Tree itself!
- Medha and Pavan with Murali and Vini
- Medha learning the art of the deal from her Pedana...
- The twins learning how to move a train car from th...
- Pavan with Lakshmi...
- Samantha with Medha and Ravi.
- Maavayyagaru and Sarat enjoying the snacks..
- Jogi and Murali...
- Ravi sharing his pongadaalu with Roshan
- Medha with her Pedanaanna pointing the way to a go...
- A stylin' Tarun...
- Madhu and Tarun with Pankaja in the background..
- Mamata with Roshan. The kid's hair is so cool - re...
- Sami making sure the two stay put on Lakshmi's lap..
- Maavayyagaru with Medha
- Pavan continues to slobber even as Rajani-atta hol...
- Medha and Pavan in their finery...Yes, he's wearin...
- Annayya discovering that Pavan is ticklish...
- Rani also found out that Pavan is ticklish...
- Ani and Suni showing that they are truly "gifted".
- Pankaja all bundled up just prior to leaving for h...
- Samantha wondering why Vijaya-aunty is stressing s...
- Shravan giving an ANR pose
- Sunila (with Medha), Kavya (with Pavan) and Anita ...
- Rani and Vijaya warming their behinds considerably...
- Vini and Meera
- Madhu also wants to get some of that heat that Ran...
- Anita and Maavayyagaru. She loves that robe (she g...
- Athamma and Medha. The one in black is the younger...
- Dizzy Gilespie was making an appearance in Jersey.
- Medha extremely happy to be celebrating her first ...
- Medha peering out from her play pen...
- Pavan put in his jail, er, i mean Play Pen. Mamata...
- Rajani and Radhika...
- A radiantly smiling Radhika. actually, is there an...
- Mavayyagaru with his grandkids...
- All the cousins (minus Vivek, Silpa, Vishnu and Si...
- The twins with Vini and Anita
- The Busy Bee next to the Box Of The Busy Box...
- Ashok with Medha
- Pavan showing some love for his Bujamma. :-)
- Medha raising the roof with her Bujjamma! Bhangra ...
- Vasu and Lakshmi with Medha and Pavan...
- (L to R) Veena and Nikki with Medha and Pavan
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