Progress report on how the Saggurti Twins are coming along...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'm such a cool kid from the roaring 20s...
Where is the squirrel, naana?
Pavan packing the bag while Medha chills...
Pavan excited about his trip to the park... They absolutely LOVE the swings...!
A quieter mellower Pavan...
Debutante Medha stepping out for her introduction...
Pavan wondering what the hubbub is behind him...
Medha and Pavan enjoying their time on the bathroom counter...
More running races...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Oh look at me, i'm such a little princess....!
Trying on her brand new clothes...Check out the price tag still on....:-)
He's got what he wants... He's now a happy camper...
It's tantrum time....
Gimme what i want...gimme it! I mean now!!!! Is Pavan already in his terrible twos? See the next picture....
Medha hamming it up again for the camera...
M-and-P sitting on their mommy's lap...
Posing Pavan and Mindful Medha...
Lakshmi convinced Deepa to handle Medha while she chowed down on the great grub...
Trying to keep the tykes out of trouble on the lawn...
Pavan grabbing someone else's goody bag...
Medha and Pavan playing in Vasu-Seshan's living room. Kalyani's birthday...
Medha out to mow the lawn in Seshan's backyard...
This town could sure use some cleaning up, pardner

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