Progress report on how the Saggurti Twins are coming along...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It's my birthday! It's my birthday!! Hey waidaminit!! Does that mean I have to finally grow up?
Now how will lil' ol' me get through all of this cake? Sahil wonders...
Now if I can tackle him here before he gets to the table, there's more cake for me...
The team getting together to cut the cake...
Applause all around for a job well done!
Momma said to knock you out!!
Amma and Medha...
I love you, man!
Deep Thoughts by Jack Han..., er, i mean, Pavan Saggurti
Medhamma with Taata...
I said "more peace and quiet" not "more pieces of cake"!
Stylie posey with Naanamma...
All scrubbed, combed and ready to get dirty...
Da cake...
Cutting the cake with some help...
Naanamma blowing the candle with some help...
Yay! Mission Accomplished!!
Ruhi, Nipa, Aunty, Pavan, Naanamma and Medha enjoying the flowers and Ruhi's joke..
Ruhi, Nipa, Aunty, Pavan, Naanamma and Medha enjoying the flowers and Ruhi's joke...
I'd like just one more piece of cake please...
Pavan with Sahil and Madhu-taata in the background...
Damn! I look good, don't I?
Stylie posey with Naanamma...

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