Progress report on how the Saggurti Twins are coming along...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Stylie Posey Returns!!
I wish I had longer hair....Like the Wild And Crazy Rock Star that I aim to be...
Maybe I should use that Rogaine thingy that Naana talks about...

Tadaa! Magic and The power of Prayer! Long, lustrous locks!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

We're Back, Baby!


After spending two fun weeks in New Jersey, the twins and parents are back in the bay area. We went to visit their "cujins in da noo jursi". We celebrated their (paternal) grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary with all of the family (or as the uber-hip Anitha sez, "the fam").

The Fam
Oh, i'm so hot in my cool sari....
Presenting Pavan as a Good Ol' Boy from the deep south and Medha as a Southern Belle Georgia Peach
Stylie posey shares the spotlight with her brother.
Please step aside, Mr. Shah Rukh Khan. Here comes Pavan Kumar Saggurti.
Tarun with his latest creation - the automatic thingamajig! This kid is quite amazing how he can put these fairly complex structures together...
Pavan with Madhu-taata
Ms. Stylie-posey strikes again!
Even the strong breeze couldn't keep the smiles off Jyothamma's face...
And all of you thought Prasad was the only good looking one in the family...?!
Vijaya and Radhika enjoying the banter...
The lovely Lakshmi with the dashing Pavan...
Pavan with Lakshmi. Prasad-annayya and Vishnu in the background...
The girls with Ammaji..
I'll sit quietly here while you get into trouble, Pavan.
Uh-oh. I think they caught us doing a no-no, Pavan.
More haming for the camera..
Medhoo trying out her angry face for a change. Just to keep the adoring public on their toes, y'know.
Don't hate me because i'm beautiful. (80s afficionados will no doubt get the reference...)
Pavan not sure whether to play Cricket or Baseball - but chose Spidey nevertheless...
Ms.Cheery-smiley with her Ammamma and Syam-Taata
This time it's Mr. GQ and his dainty sis.
Ta-daa! More posing from a excited Medha and an unsure Pavan.

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