Progress report on how the Saggurti Twins are coming along...

Friday, October 07, 2005

I've entered the 21st Century...

Ok y'all!

I've finally figured out what was wrong with my template and updated it to now handle comments. After six months! I guess i've finally made the transition from engineering... :-)

Anyhoo, you should now see the "comments" at the end of each posting. Clicking on that should allow you to read all the comments, as well as let you post your comments on my posting. Hopefully, it will now get more interactive. Feel free to let me know what you think. And yes, I do take requests...



Prasad said...

This is a sample comment from me to prove that this comment thingamajig really does work...


Anonymous said...

ooo mmm gg mi babaies cuzzs are soos cut i love them when can i see them